Publicações do Ano de 2015

  • FONTANA, Rafaela Mantovani; MEYER Jr., Victor; REINEHR, Sheila; MALUCELLI, Andreia. 2015. Progressive outcomes: A framework for maturing in agile software development. Journal of Systems and Software. Vol. 102. pp. 88-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2014.12.032.
  • FONTANA, Rafaela Mantovani; MEYER Jr., Victor; REINEHR, Sheila; MALUCELLI, Andreia. 2015. Management ambidexterity: A clue for maturing in agile software development. In: XP 2015 Proceedings, forthcoming.
  • WALTER, Marcelo; TRAMONTINI, Ramon; FONTANA, Rafaela Mantovani; REINEHR, Sheila; MALUCELLI, Andreia. 2015. No silver-bullt: management strategies for continuous agile improvement. In: XP2015 Proceedings, forthcoming.
  • VALASKI, J. ; REINEHR, S. ; MALUCELLI, A. . Approaches and Strategies to Extract Relevant Terms: How are they being applied?. In: The 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015, Las Vegas. Int'l Conf. Artificial Intelligence ICAI`2015. Las Vegas: CSREA Press, 2015. p. 478-484.