Artificial Intelligence

Based on recent results in terms of knowledge representation, machine learning and reasoning with imperfect information, artificial intelligence has enabled the construction of effective products and artifacts (eg, mobile robotics, search engines and search recommendations, among others.). Artificial intelligence as a research area is quite broad, including key subjects such as machine learning, knowledge representation, planning, reasoning, satisfaction of restrictions, natural language processing and multi-agent systems. Research contributions can be theoretical, technical and applied. Applied research also advances on AI techniques in the context of new areas, such as security, sustainability, health care, human well-being, transport, commerce and industry 4.0.


Andre Gustavo Hochuli

  • Dr., Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, 2019.
  • Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning


Edson Emílio Scalabrin

  • Dr., Université de Technologie de Compiègne, França, 1996.
  • Process Mining, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Trust & Reputation, Blockchain, Biological Data Analysis, and Biological Data Compression.
  • Member of IEEE.

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Fabrício Enembreck

  • Dr., Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, 2003.
  • CNPq Research Productivity Researcher.
  • Multi-Agent Systems, Adaptive Agents, Data Mining.


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Emerson Cabrera Paraiso

  • Dr., Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, 2005.
  • Member of ACM, IEEE, SBC.
  • Human-Computer Interaction, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Affective Computing.

Júlio César Nievola

  • Dr., Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1995.
  • Member of IEEE, ACM.
  • Data Mining, Intelligent Systems, Artificial Neural Networks.

email    web    cv lattes   researchgate

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