Publicações do Ano de 2013
- Albuquerque, R.; Bibiano, A.; Fernandes, R.; Araújo, D.; Reinehr, S. ; Malucelli, A. The Influence of Human Aspects in Software Process Improvement: a Brazilian Public Company Study. In Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'13), v.11,ISBN - 1-60132-260-7, Las Vegas,USA, 2013,p.473-478.
- Albuquerque, R. ; Bibiano, A. ; Reinehr, S. ; Malucelli, A. ; Cunha, M.A .
Adoção de Melhoria de Processos de Software no Setor Público: Uma Perspectiva Humana Social. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (CONF-IRM - 13), Natal, 2013.
- Generoso, A. A. P. G.; Coelho Neto, J.; Reinehr, S.; Malucelli, A. Abordagem Qualitativa do uso das TDIC na Educação Básica. II Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2013) - XIX Workshop de Informática na Escola (WIE 2013). Campinas SP, 2013. DOI: 10.5753/CB 230 IE.WIE.2013.230.
- Ianzen, A.; Mauda, E. C.; Paludo, M. A.; Reinehr, S.; Malucelli, A. Software Process Improvement in a Financial Organization: An Action Research Approach. Computer Standards & Interfaces, v.36, Issue 1 , November 2013, p.54-65.
- Menolli, A. L.; Reinehr, S.; Malucelli, A. Improving Organizational Learning: Defining Units of Learning from Social Tools. In Informatics in Education, 2013, Vol. 12, No. 2, 273–290.
- Menolli, A. L.; Reinehr, S.; Malucelli, A. Organizational Learning Applied to Software Engineering: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
- Valaski, J. ; Stancke, W. ; Reinehr, S. ; Malucelli,
A. Retrospective and Trends in Requirements Engineering through the WER. In: Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos (WER), 2013, Montevideo. Memorias del XVI Workshop de Ingeniería en Requisitos (WER-13), 2013.
- Valaski, J. ; Stancke, W. ; Reinehr, S. ; Malucelli, A. Apoio Semântico à Engenharia de Requisitos.In Anais Proceedings of Requirements Engineering @ Brazil (ER @ BR 2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 16, 2013.